Friday, December 11, 2009


As of today, I have the COMPLETE list of 451 books - through today's 451 post. If you have already selected books and see something you like better, feel free to change your list - we don't have a lot of rules here, and lists can be changed at any time.

Also - any book that appears on an upcoming 451 Friday feature is fair game!

If you are thinking of joining - please do! We would love to have you.


  1. This sounds like a wonderful challenge. My blog is not solely dedicated to my reading, so I don't think it would work to link it here, but I'd like to take part and post my monthly reviews (when they satisfy the challenge) in the comments, if that's okay.

  2. That is completely fine - I will be posting a Mr. Linky for each month, so please feel free to just link to your post there. I'm happy to have you read along with us, even if you aren't solely a book blogger. Welcome! =)

  3. I see this book on the list, but can't find anywhere that there is such a book

    River's End - Nora Roberts

  4. Grilsgood - here's a link to the book at Amazon:

  5. I'm in at the Spark level -- put me down for:
    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Doug Adams and Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Siverstein. Thanks for hosting!
